pcaw.org lists over 100 prostate resources and links regarding the prostate. See Incontinence Resources, also.
A Canadian physician has compiled this brief but instructive site
on prostate cancer. It is up-to-date, and easy for the lay reader to
understand. concerningcancer.com/prostatecancer.htm
Every Man Should Know About His Prostate, a Disease-Awareness
Video presented as an educational service by Merck & Co, 1993 is
Not By Myself: Talking about prostate cancer. This
educational video features Billy Davis, Jr. and wife Marilyn McCoo
and addresses concerns faced by men diagnosed with prostate cancer,
as well as the concerns of spouses and other family members. It
includes: intimate interviews with prostate cancer patients and
their families. Common reactions to diagnosis. Approacheds for coping
with the emotional and physical effects of treatment. The video has a
companion booklet Two
Against One: A spouse's guide to coping with prostate
cancer. Amgen, 2000. 877.550.9624
Prostate Cancer: Life Lines: A Guide to
Life with Prostate Cancer with Barrie Cassileth, PhD Duke University
Medical Center, providing valuable information addressing both
symptoms and treatment options for prostate cancer. 1995. Available
through TAP Medical Services, 800.622.2011.
Straight Talk about Prostate
Health, 1994, HB Pictures, 75 Rockerfeller Plaza, NY NY
Uranus: Self Anal Massage for Men, Joseph
Kramer. Anal health is an important frontier to be explored. The
Tabetan's have had a meditation for centuries within they massage
their own prostate to keep it health. In Japan, the men have a higher
incidence of the Prostate Cancer cells in their prostate but they are
seldom activated into a cancerous state. This video will teach you
impeccable hygiene, enemas, sphincter muscle toning, hip awakening
exercises, self Rosebud massage, enlightened prostate massage, how to
overcome resistance and fears, and breathing rhythms to relax the
anal area. This self anal massage, besides being extremely
pleasurable and erotic, can be important for men's emotional health
since the anal area, especially the sphincter muscles, is the place
where we hold our paranoia and fears. Total nudity. Available through
Erospirit Research Institute, 800.432.3767. www.erospirit.org
Family Urology, Vol 3 No 3. Overactive Bladder: When
you've got to go...to a doctor. Brachytherapy: a promising,
not-so-new treatment for prostate cancer. Coping with Urologic
Disease: A family affair.
Refer also Merchandising
Materials, Videos, Slide
and Booklet.
See also Impotency Books,
Information , and Resources.