Prostate Cancer Awareness
Week ( has compiled resources on the issue of
Impotency and Infertility.
Theresa Venet Grant, president of the
InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
(INCIID) says, "Do your research first: know what questions to
ask a fertility specialist." Some helpful resources for information,
treatment options and referrals follow:
- American Cancer Society, 1599
Clifton Road,, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-4251, 800.ACS.2345,
- FAX: (404) 325-2217.
- American Society of Reproductive
Medicine. Information online or you can order booklets on two
dozen different issues - from in-vitro fertilization to fertility
after cancer. Booklets are $1 each. Call 205.978.5000 ext 127.
- American Urological Association,
1120 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201, 410.727.1100
- Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre -
investigate possible causes of male infertility, view diagrams of
sperm production, and learn about different insemination
and click on infertility.
- Cancer Information Service (CIS), a
program of the National Cancer Institute, For information on
stopping smoking, contact: at 800.4.CANCER,
- The Fertility Information Resource
List links you to other fertility sites, medical and
nonmedical, and you can search for reproductive clinics. Start at
- Impotence Information Center,
- Impotency Hotline - to overcome -
- Impotence Institute of America &
Impotence Anonymous - Resource for doctors familiar with the
latest treatments for impotency. - 1.800.669.1603
- INCIID - Fact sheets,
directories, a wide choice of chat rooms and bulletin boards
monitored by physicians. Ask reproductive endocrinologists about
treatments or psychologists about emotional issues. Or just talk
to other guys about male-factor infertility.
- Male Potency Centers of America -
number disconnected 10/00.
- National Mens Resource Center
- Provides resources and links herein, books
and information
to assist men and their families
concerned about infertility.
- Options National Fertility Registry
- Want to go the surrogate or donor route? You can
subscribe to the registry for $145. Scan the biographies of
candidates for such characteristics as hair color,
SAT scores, health of their paternal grandfathers, even
tanning ability. All are screened by physicians, mental health
professionals and geneticists. Call 800.786.1786 or
- Dr. Aubrey Pilgrim - Has produced an
excellent tape discussing all of the causes of impotence,
diagnostic treatment options and therapies. Cost $15 + shipping by
calling 1.714.644.7200 - disconnected 10/00
- Resolve - a national referral,
education and support group. Posts facts, news and recent
articles. Call the help line for personal questions - 617.623.0744
weekdays 9A-12M and 1P-4P EST and until 9P on Tuesdays.
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The man that blushes is not quite a brute. - Edward Young

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