Prostate Cancer Awareness Week
( has compiled a test concerning inpotency.
Take This Quiz First
Please read the following questions, and answer true or false. Total
the number of true, and false answers at the end of the
questionnaire, and see how well you did.
- Erectile dysfunction is often called the most common untreated
medical disorder in the world.
- Erectile Dysfunction may be caused by medications for high
blood pressure, cigarette or recreational drug use, partner
conflicts, or depression, to name a few.
- Erectile dysfunction effects nearly 20 million men in the
United States.
- Erectile dysfunction is a difficult subject for many people to
discuss. It is often accompanied by embarrassment, guilt, and lack
of self-esteem.
- Erectile dysfunction can be successfully treated over 95% of
the time.
- Erectile dysfunction is not merely a consequence of growing
older, although it is often due to the consequences of medical
For scoring purposes, give yourself two points for each right
answer. The answer to questions 1-6 are "True." If your score is 8 or
above, you have a pretty good understanding of Erectile Dysfunction.
Read on
- I am confident that I can get and maintain an erection hard
enough for penetration (entering your partner).
- During sexual intercourse, I always maintain an erection to
satisfactory completion.
- In general, I rarely worry about successful sexual
- When I attempt sexual intercourse, it is almost always a
satisfactory experience for me.
- I would rate my overall level of desire for sex, as moderate
to high.
- I would rate my overall sex life as moderate to very
If you answered "False" to two or more questions between 7-12, you
may want to talk to your urologist about ED.
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A service of The National Men's Resource Center
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