Prostate Cancer Awareness Week
( has compiled media information on the issue of
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transmitted herein.
Another Drug Targets Impotence
A new medication, still in the trial process, is being developed to
address the mechanisms in the brain that control erectile dysfunction
in men. This could potentially help men that do not benefit from the
current drugs used to treat impotence. The drug, known as ABT-724, is
being developed by Abbott Laboratories and has been successful in
animal tests and has moved into human trials.

Is sex good exercise?
Researchers are saying sex is good for your health. Is it just the
exercise? We've seen evidence that even walking briskly for 20
minutes three times a week can help heart health, so that explanation
may be adequate -- but there may be something else at work too.

What's Wrong with My Penis?
Skin that flakes off, and then grows back and flakes off again, can
be a sign of basal cell carcinoma on any part of the body; forehead,
nose, legs, genitals or anywhere else. So, go to a urologist. With
one look, the urologist will be able to tell you what your next step
should be.

Viagra at bedtime may prevent erectile
Viagra taken at bedtime might offer a way to ward off the impotence
that often strikes as men age, researchers suggest. While Viagra
(sild!enafil) is safe and effective for treating erectile
dysfunction, it is "not able to cure erectile dysfunction," Italian
physicians note.

Male sexual dysfunction device approved
for over-the-counter
A California company has received government approval to market an
over-the-counter device to help men with sexual dysfunction. The Food
and Drug Administration said Friday that they had approved ACTIS,
which was described by its maker, VIVUS of Mountain View, Calif., as
"an adjustable constriction band used to enhance the erection process
in men with erectile dysfunction."

New Impotence Treatment may be on the
US researchers have identified a protein that seems to play a key
role in regulating erections in rats. They hope that a compound that
blocks the protein may lead to an alternative treatment for erectile
dysfunction in humans.

Scientists find way to select
healthiest embryos
Researchers said they may have found a good way to identify the
healthiest embryos for use in making test-tube babies and in the
process, discovered some basic biology.

Singapore pioneers babies from frozen
eggs, sperm
The world's first babies conceived from frozen eggs and sperm have
been born in Singapore, raising hopes for couples who both have
fertility problems. "For women, this means they can preserve

When fertility technology can't
When male factor infertility prevents a couple from conceiving, some
couples decide that the best choice is to seek out other ways of
building a family. Here is one couple's story.

Contents: One Penis, Assembly
"Some assembly required." I'm comfortable with those instructions
packed in the box with a toy or a piece of furniture, but how about
in reference to a penis?

Topical ointment may help premature
A topical cream that numbs the skin may have the seemingly odd effect
of improving men's sex lives, researchers in the Netherlands have
found. Applying a topical anesthetic shortly before having sex
improved the experience for 15 men affected by premature
ejaculation. www.healthcentral!.com/news/newsfulltext.cfm?ID=45988&src=n45

Viagra Finds Unsexy but Lifesaving Use
Treats rare, deadly blood-pressure disorder (11/2/00)
Patients with a rare and frequently fatal blood-pressure disorder may
owe a debt of gratitude to men with impotence. British researchers
say they've used Viagra to successfully treat a young Londoner with
primary pulmonary hypertension, a condition in which blood pressure
in the lungs becomes dangerously high.
Sex and the City Tackles
Impotence Problem (9/00)
I was over 50 before I found out that a healthy man gets an erection
3 or 4 times a night in his sleep, unrelated to fantasy. Just the
penis doing it's own daily exercises. Now, million of viewers of
Sex and the City have been exposed to the fact that over
18,000,000 men have erectile dysfunction, and a novel way to
determine whether it is a physical or mental disfunction. The new
husband could not consumate the marriage on the honeymoon and his
distraugh and frustrated wife eventually came up with a way to
determine if it was physical. She took some stamps from a roll of
stamps, wrapped them around his flacid penis, while he was asleep,
and licked the stamp to make a solid ring around his penis. She was
elated in the morning to find that the ring was broken, which means,
chances are, that the problem lies on the emotional side -
performance anxiety, stress, fear, fatigue, alcohol or other
emotional problems. The wife checked the internet for options,
looking at implants and Viagra, which her husband rejected, but did
agree on going to a sex therapist. What they learned was that he was
actually masturbating on the side and they are now working on ways to
work that in to the couple's sexual relationsip. Two thumbs-up to HBO
for addressing some real life issues in such an open way!!! People
need to learn about sexual dysfunction somewhere and it's been proven
that we sure aren't teaching our kids at home. Here's one tv show
that appears to help make up for this lack.
At-Home Semen Analysis Fertility
Kit (3/23/00)
Twenty percent of couples have difficulty conceiving and
approximately forty percent of the time it is male factor related,
according to Evolution Diagnostic Laboratory citing data from the
American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Part of the initial work
up for the couple is the semen analysis by which can be inconvenient
and sometimes embarrassing. In this regard, EDL offers an At-home
personal semen analysis kit available for men to test their fertility
potential in the privacy of their own home. Evolution Diagnostic
Laboratory, Inc. offers this unique service for the first time in the
United States at
Until now, a male patient had to get a prescription from a doctor to
have this very personal test done at a local hospital. The specimen
is collected and sent overnight to our certified lab in a
preservative solution. Results are directly mailed back to the
patient in an unmarked envelope for privacy. This report can be
brought to their doctor.
EDL is an extension of Shore Institute for Reproductive Medicine
located in Brick, NJ. Shore Institute is a full service medical
infertility practice offering the full range of treatment such as
in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, ovulation induction,
and fertility surgery. The physicians at EDL have over 40 years
experience in this specialty and semen analysis testing. Who could
offer a better service with reliable results than a lab specializing
in creating human embryos?
This new innovation is the first of its kind bringing the
cyber-lab into the consumers home, according to Evolution Diagnostic
Laboratory. This is the future of medicine; convenient, efficient,
safe, reliable and at a reasonable cost. For more information contact
Allen Morgan, M.D., President of EDL at 1-800-932-8908 or
Study suggests new therapy for impotence
Impotence used to be a taboo subject, a highly personal issue not to
be openly discussed. But with the introduction of Viagra and public
figures like Bob Dole announcing their personal battles with the
problem, millions of people are talking about erectile
This public interest in impotence is one reason scientists are
scrambling to find new treatments.
In a study reported in this week's editions of the medical journal
Nature Structural Biology, researchers at the University of
Pennsylvania say nitric oxide may hold the key to treating the
problem. It's found naturally in the body and aids in smooth muscle
relaxation, a requirement for erection.
"Nitric oxide is the messenger, if you will, the signaling
molecule, and without that signal you can't get that signal from the
brain to the penis for the erectile process," said Dr. David
Christianson of the University of Pennsylvania.
An amino acid call L-argenine produces nitric oxide in the body.
Researchers say they have found that a natural enzyme, argenase, that
breaks down the L-argenine and renders it useless to make nitric
oxide. This results in impotence.
What they have done is create an amino acid to stop this breakdown
of L-argenine.
Erectile dysfunction affects half of the male population over 40
and according to Viagra makers Pfizer, their drug does not work in
three out of 10 men.
"Their hopes have been so high, that when you get a patient and it
(Viagra) doesn't work, they are depressed. They feel devastated by
the problem," Urologist Steven Morganstern said.
According to the study's authors, Viagra works later in the
erection process than this new therapy. They hope their findings may
one day help Viagra work better as well as help those who are unable
to take Viagra for medical reasons.
Continued testing is planned, but researchers warn it could be
years before the therapy reaches the public.
Sexual dysfunction is widespread in
U.S., study says (2/9/99)
Thirty-one percent of men and 43 percent of women regularly suffer
from some form of sexual dysfunction, warranting recognition as a
significant public health concern, according to a new comprehensive
U.S. sex study.
"I think it gives us a base for explaining why we had this
enormous response to Viagra," said the study's lead author,
University of Chicago sociologist Edward Laumann.
Researchers are calling the findings the first of their kind since
a 1948 report by Dr. Alfred Kinsey on human sexual behavior.
The study, published this week in the Journal of the American
Medical Association, was based on data from the 1992 National Health
and Social Life Survey, a collection of interviews with 1,749 women
and 1,410 men aged 18 to 59.
Information from the national probability sample concerning sex
was reviewed in the wake of Viagra's popularity in treating male
impotence since it was put on the market last year.
Survey participants were asked if they had experienced sexual
dysfunction over several months during the previous year, including
lack of sexual desire, difficulty becoming aroused, inability to
climax or ejaculate, premature orgasms, pain during sex, anxiety over
sexual performance and not finding sex pleasurable.
Lack of interest in sex was the top problem for women. A third
said they regularly didn't want sex, 26 percent said they regularly
didn't have orgasms and 23 percent said sex was not pleasurable.
For men, about one-third said they had reoccurring problems with
climaxing too early, 14 percent said they had no interest in sex and
8 percent said they regularly experienced no pleasure from sex.
In all, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men said they had
one or more reoccurring problems with sex. Sexual problems were most
common among young women and older men.
In both women and men, sexual dysfunction was related to emotional
and stress problems including poor health, poor quality of life and
prior traumatic sexual experiences.
Researchers, who were surprised by the findings, said the study
offers hope and comfort for those with sexual problems.
"Often they don't even admit it to their partners. It's the old
'I've got a headache' instead of, 'I don't feel like having sex,'"
Laumann said.
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